7 - The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Manga and Comics Industry

7 - The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Manga and Comics Industry
Hellooo, flowers of my imagination!

Artificial intelligence is one of the latest breakthroughs in technology. So, what could be the implications of this revolutionary technology on the manga and comics industry? Let's take a look together.

Recent 'Artificial Intelligence Developments in Art'

Honeybees, recently artificial intelligence has been making waves in the art world. Platforms like Dalle 3 and Midjourney have advanced so much that they're leaving almost all their competitors behind. It's said they now possess skills surpassing 60% of current artists. We now encounter AI-assisted tools in various artistic domains, from painting to music, written content to digital designs. This is expanding the boundaries of art and granting artists new perspectives.

The Positive Effects on Art

Imagine having an AI that assists and complements you in your art. Previously, for a design idea, we would spend hours on platforms like Google and Pinterest to prepare a 'moodboard'. Now, we can generate inspiring visuals in seconds. Furthermore, we can dictate the style of these visuals and even specify which artist's style it should emulate. This enables art to be faster, more efficient, and sometimes even more avant-garde. Plus, it provides immense convenience for technical aspects of artwork, such as symmetry and color harmony.

Potential Negative Impacts on the Artist

But, my lovely blooms, everything comes at a price. The extensive use of AI could potentially limit an artist's originality and creativity. For some artists, relying heavily on these technological aides might lead to a loss of soul in their art. Moreover, it might even take jobs away from many artists. However, if an artist keeps up with these innovations and furthers their knowledge in the AI sector, it can turn into an advantage. For instance, in the gaming sector, the newly launched Layer AI has been well-received. They produce game assets in a fraction of the time, saving thousands of dollars. It's essential to realize that this isn't limited to the gaming industry. Many professions, like graphic design, illustration, and logo designing, seem to be on the verge of extinction.

Current Impacts on the Manga and Comics Industry as of 2023

As of 2023, the manga and comics industry is rapidly evolving under the influence of AI. AI-backed drawing tools expedite character creation processes and offer flexibility to artists. Moreover, AI-assisted software is getting involved in story creation and plotting. For now, it doesn't seem like a threat to the Manga and Comics industry. The essence of this genre is to draw characters repeatedly from various angles, something current AI models can't accomplish. Some artists are training AIs with their characters to produce useful visuals, but it's not at the desired level yet. However, I believe this challenge will be overcome soon.

Potential Future Impacts on the Manga and Comics Industry

Looking ahead, my dear, we can anticipate that these technological advancements will penetrate deeper into the manga and comics industry. We might encounter mangas entirely crafted by AI, or AI might remain a mere assistant to the artist. One thing's for sure: AI will rewrite the rules of the game in this sector. Imagine feeding a story plot to ChatGPT, and it drafts a perfect storyline for you. Then, you pass it onto another AI tool to illustrate it in your desired artist's style. Phew, sounds both exhilarating and unnerving, right? Honestly, I'm both thrilled and apprehensive.

So, my beloved flowers, we eagerly await to see where AI will steer art, especially the world of manga and comics. 

Are you ready to be a part of this transformation?