
  • Comics
  • Sci-fi
  • Mystery
  • Mecha
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Action
'Coming Soon'
Transmutech: The Local Transformers Robot
Dr. Buğra Özsoy, a research assistant at a university, receives substantial government funding (35 million liras) and, influenced a bit by Transformers, embarks on a completely unnecessary project...
A minibus that can transform into a robot...
The inspector who comes to oversee the project rightfully believes that the government's money is being wasted. Because the project is both absurd and half-baked. Our heroes manage to convince the inspector, buying some time. During this time, they must improve the minibus robot project and make it useful.
They need a lot of money in a short amount of time, and our heroes are willing to do anything... even twerking on a matchmaking program...

Turkish Version