13- Literary terms used for Comics and Manga.

13- Literary terms used for Comics and Manga.
Hello to all manga and comic book enthusiasts! Today, we will dive into the literary ocean of manga and comic books. It's not just about vibrant drawings and dynamic action scenes; there's a robust literary foundation underneath those captivating illustrations! Let's uncover the essential literary terms that breathe life into the pages of our favorite manga and comic books.

1. Protagonist
The main character around whom the story revolves. They are the hero who embarks on a journey, faces challenges, and undergoes transformation.

2. Antagonist
The opposing force in the story. This character or entity stands as an obstacle that the protagonist must overcome.

3. Setting
The environment where the story unfolds. It’s not just a physical location but also includes the cultural and historical backdrop.

4. Plot
The sequence of events that constructs the story. It’s the backbone, ensuring the story flows logically and engagingly.

5. Backstory
The history behind the characters or events. It unveils motivations, personalities, and the reasoning behind actions.

6. Flashback
A tool used to reveal past events, providing depth and context to current happenings.

7. Foreshadowing
A hint or a clue given about upcoming events in the story, creating suspense and curiosity.

8. Theme
The underlying message or the main idea that the story intends to convey.

9. Motif
A recurring element or concept throughout the story, enhancing the theme and narrative flow.

10. Symbolism
The use of symbols to signify deeper meanings, enriching the narrative and imagery.

11. Metaphor
A direct comparison between two unrelated things, emphasizing certain qualities or attributes.

12. Allegory
A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

13. Allusion
A brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance that is not elaborated on.

14. Juxtaposition
Placing two or more things side by side, aiming to highlight their contrasting qualities.

15. Diction
The choice of words used in storytelling, affecting the tone, understanding, and engagement of the reader.

16. Tone
The attitude or approach that the writer takes toward the work’s central theme or subject.

17. Mood
The emotional feeling or atmosphere that a work of literature produces in a reader.

18. Dialogue
The written conversational exchange between two or more characters.

19. Monologue
A long speech by one character, expressing their thoughts or feelings.

20. Narration
The act of telling the story, guided by a narrator who may have varying levels of knowledge and perspectives.

21. Point of View
The perspective from which the story is told, influencing how the reader engages with it.

22. First Person
A point of view where the story is narrated by one character at a time.

23. Third Person
A point of view where a detached narrator tells the story.

24. Omniscient
A narrator who knows everything that happens, including characters’ thoughts and feelings.

25. Cliffhanger
Ending a chapter or section in suspense, encouraging the reader to continue.

26. Pacing
The speed at which a story is told - the balance between moving the story forward and keeping the reader’s interest.

27. Conflict
The struggle between opposing forces, driving the plot and character development.

Dive deeper, enrich your knowledge, and enjoy your reading with a newfound appreciation for the literary art of manga and comic books! 📚✨

I hope this translation meets your expectations!

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