14- What is Splash Page?

14- What is Splash Page?
Hello Manga Lovers!

Today, we are diving into a topic that we often encounter in the colorful world of manga, but perhaps we don’t fully know by its name:

"Splash Pages"!

Yes, you heard it right. They might be the impressive drawings and dramatic scenes that fascinated you when you first opened a manga. So, what are these Splash Pages, why do they exist, and most importantly, what role do they play in a manga? Let’s explore together!

What is a Splash Page?

A Splash Page is usually a page that we see at the beginning of a new chapter or section in a manga, covering the entire page and generally consisting of very detailed drawings. Sometimes we encounter just a large and impressive portrait of a character, and other times we encounter complex and colorful scenes that reflect an important event, emotion, or atmosphere in that section.

Why Do They Exist?

Splash Pages are magical pages that allow us to catch our breath in the flow of the story, allowing us to pause and focus on that moment. They are also the pages where the mangaka (manga author and illustrator) expresses their creativity, displays their talents, and says "This is it!" to the reader.

What is Their Role?

The role of a Splash Page is actually quite strategic. It prepares the reader for that part of the story, creates anticipation, and increases the emotional intensity of that part of the story. It also helps us to see the characters' emotions and thoughts, and their inner worlds more deeply.

How Should They Be?

Splash Pages should generally be dramatic, impressive, and attention-grabbing. But remember, above all, they should reflect the soul of the story and the characters, adding more depth and meaning to them.

Splash Pages in One Piece

Oda, the mangaka of One Piece, has brought a whole new dimension to Splash Pages. In this style, also called 'Cover Stories', Oda tells us new stories. In these stories, which progress as only one page and one panel in each manga issue, usually an untold story that might intrigue the reader and has been left in the past is told. For example, what happened to Germa 66 after escaping from Big Mom's island? I was very curious about this, and it was told to us in the cover stories by Oda. Also, the continuation story of Enel, which greatly affected the story, was told in the cover stories.

Splash Pages are special pages that delve us deeper into the magical world of manga, surprising and fascinating us. So, what are your favorite Splash Pages? Are there any pages that impressed you the most, that you can't forget? I'm waiting for your comments! 🌟

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  • 14- What is Splash Page?

    Hello Manga Lovers!

    Today, we are diving into a topic that we often encounter in the colorful world of manga, but perhaps we don’t fully know by its name:

    "Splash Pages"!

    Yes, you heard it right. They might be the impressive drawings and dramatic scenes that fascinated you when you first opened a manga. So, what are these Splash Pages, why do they exist, and most importantly, what role do they play in a manga?

  • 14- What is Splash Page?